Dear Living Water Ministries Community,
Fall is a beautiful season. The cooler temperatures, and the changing colors of the leaves typically provide an opportunity for Living Water Ministries to catch its breath after the close of a successful summer season. However, things feel a bit out-of-sorts this year after a summer of silence at camp. The sigh of relief we usually exhale hasn’t occurred. We still feel in the thick of it as we try to sort out next steps in this time of pandemic.
Typically, the fall is the time when Living Water Ministries mails out our summer brochures with all the details about our next summer season. Shiny, freshly printed pages reveal all our plans for life-changing camp experiences, our summer schedule, and pricing information. This year is very different.
The path to our 2021 summer season remains unclear amidst concerns related to COVID-19. At the time these words were written, case counts are on the rise in Michigan and the rate of transmission in our state still indicates the virus is spreading rather than diminishing. The timeline for vaccine implementation and distribution is still relatively unclear, with some reports placing widespread access to vaccinations in the third quarter of 2021.
While we’d like to be sending you our 2021 summer brochure today, we are not certain what shape our 2021 summer season will be taking just yet. The Living Water Ministries Board of Directors will be meeting via Zoom in November to discern together our options and next steps. At the forefront of the board’s conversations has been and will be the safety and well-being of our campers, and the families to which they return at the close of any potential camp sessions.
The work Living Water Ministries is called to do brings together all of God’s children in community. Navigating how to accomplish this amidst a global pandemic while serving participants in vulnerable populations, as well as people from all over the country, is a significant challenge. As the Living Water Ministries Board of Directors engages this work, we ask for your continued patience and for your prayers.
Executive Director
Living Water Ministries
Board President
Living Water Ministries